Hasil carian imej untuk BIOCHEMISTRY


During my first class in biochemistry, I learned that biochemistry is a study of life organisms on a molecular level. In our daily life there are so many things that significant to biochemistry reaction such as the uses of enzymes in detergent that help to remove stain on the our clothes. Each enzyme have its own function for certain stain such as celulase enzyme that break down the cellulose molecule into monosaccharide. Furthermore, biochemistry also been apply in medicine and clinical. Some drug are useful to fight against infection and also can act as antibiotics for our immune systems in our body. Biochemistry have three areas of study, first is conformational that describe about the structure and three dimension arrangements of bio-molecules. Second is metabolism. In this area it explain more details in biochemical pathways, energy production and utilization. The third areas of study is informational that specific about language for communication inside and between cells. Not only that, during the class I also learned about the six non-metallic elements that act as backbone of bio-molecules which is carbon, hydrogent, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur (CHNOPS). This CHNOPS account for more than 97% of the weight of most organisms . Last but not least, there are two type of bio-molecules, micro-molecules and macro-molecules. The example of micro molecules is nucleotide, amino acids and carbohydrate, while the example of macro molecules is nucleic acids, proteins, polysaccharide and triacylglycerides (TAG). As a conclusion, although it was my first lecture in this courses, I have learned many new things so far and I will prepare my mental and physical well for my next biochemistry class.


There are 3 CLO(Course Learning Outcome) in Biochemistry STB1083 which are;
-Outline fundamental biochemical principles such as the structure and function of bio-molecules.
-Differentiate bio-chemical principles , enzymes and metabolic pathways.
-Conduct experimental techniques used in biochemistry. 
    Biochemistry can be applied into our daily life. For example, biochemistry is applied in Medical and Clinical which purposely for diagnostic and monitoring diseases. Secondly, biochemistry is for Agriculture that is the used in herbicides and pesticides. Besides, biochemistry also applied in industry. It is for production of industrial and research materials. Biochemistry can be divided into 3 areas of study which are conformational, metabolism and informational. Conformational is a study of the structure of bio-molecules. Metabolism is about the bio-chemical pathways. Informational is for language for communication inside and between cells.
    CHNO(Carbon, Hydrogen, NItrogen, Oxygen) - make up >99% of atoms in most cells and human body. CHNOPS(Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, Sulfur)6 non-metallic elements - more than 97% of the weight of organisms.
     There are two types of bio-molecules, bio-micromolecules and bio-macromolecules. Bio-micromolecules are nucleotide, amino acids, saccharides and lipids. Bio-macromolecules are nucleic acids, proteins, polysaccharides and tricylglycerides. 


Today was my first class of biochemistry with Dr. Hashimatul. It was so lit and fun. Basically, what I got is an out view of topics that I will learn whole semester. She also explained about the course plan and the way student to score in biochemistry. I also learned about significant of biochemistry in our daily life. For instance, biochemistry used in medicine such producing antibiotics. Besides, I also learned macro and micromolecules. To be honest all of the learning today more to recap of my learning during foundation last year. Some of the topic that being discussed during session I already forgot. But, in order to be in the class I tried to search on interest and read it by myself. Do you know about CHNOPS? well, I never heard of it before. It is something new to me. 97% of our body was CHNOPS. I quite surprise because it is quite a lot of percentage. Our learning or basically a discussion also bring out topic of biochemistry fields involved. There are 3 which are conformational, informational and metabolism. At the end of the class, me and my classmates were given some assignment to do from Dr. Hashimatul. We have being given 3 tasks to do. First, we have to do our self reflections about the class today which is individual tasks. Second we have been given a task to do a video about topic which is a grouping tasks. Lastly we were given a task to do info-graphic in a group of 3. I hope that I will finish all the tasks given successfully and completely.


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