Muhammad Hanif Fikri bin Mohamad Khirudin -72417- hanifikriii26@gmail.com
December 19, 2019
Dr Hashimatul Fatma Hashim
Biochemistry Lecturer
Faculty Resource Science and Technology
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)

Dear Dr.Hashimatul,
The reason that I write this letter for you is to share with you about my experience when I learned this Biochemistry STB 1083 course with you and my fellow friends along this semester.
First and foremost, I would like to thank you for all of your sacrifices, your effort and your patient for being our lecturer for this subject. Although there are several of us that always came late to your class and not give a hundred percent attention during your class, you still willing to teach us because you know that this course is one of the toughest courses for first year. So that you always keep teaching us and explained to us until all of us understand well of what you have taught to us.

During the class, I notice that almost all of our biochemistry classes were being held in group of 5. For me, this method is more accurate and fun. Not just we can explain the details about the task but we also can change our knowledge and opinion for that task. This will make the task become easier to be done. Besides, this method is more effective since all of the member need to contribute in order to get the answer for the task given. Compare to the typical style where the students just sit down at their place, it will cause the student to fall sleep easily since they just sit and hear what the lecturer explain at the front of the class.

Furthermore, what I like the most for this course is it is the only course that have a laboratory session where we can conduct the interesting experiment in the lab at our faculty. During the lab session, I enjoyed it very well and having fun with my lab mates in order to finished the experiment. All of them give a high commitment and effort during the lab session and also when doing the lab report. Thus, this course also provided the problem based learning (PBL) session. For the PBL, our group work together and brainstorming during the discussion session and gratefully our group having an astonishing communicate during the PBL presentation.

Next, the E-portfolio assessment. For this assessment, I think it is a new stuff for us where we must construct a website that look like the blog and put on all the task about biochemistry in that blog. Not just the task and the self reflection, we also put a video in our E-portfolio. Because the existence of this assessment, there will be no final examination for this course. As I mention before, this course is the toughest and one of the core subjects for our courses in semester 1. With this assessment, it give many benefits and help the students not to fell pressure because it does not burden the students.

In a nut shell, I would like to thank you again for being our lecturer and I really appreciate all your sacrifices and your hard work for teaching me. I am very grateful that I score full mark for my mid semester examination. If not because of you, maybe I will not able to score and answer the question. I always pray for your health and wealth and we hope that you can teach us again for next semester.

Thank you, Dr Hashimatul
Muhammad Hanif Fikri bin Mohamad Khirudin
Animal Recourse and Science Managment


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